Hey RVA, I’m Maxwell

RVA Secrets is an independent publication launched in June 2024 by Maxwell. I am making my way to creating a hub of Richmond and relevant information for all to view. No matter if you are new to the area, native or are in the same boat as me; calling this home for several years, this website will help "fill you in"

Who am I?

I'm a twenty-something old Richmond-nonnative. However, as I grow my roots here I am determined to bring regular and interesting content that you might be interested in reading. My interests range in photography, ice-skating, finding the right beer at a local brewery and making those around me smile.

My goal with this website is to have a creative outlet to turn to, but also to share my recent experiences in our city with you. You should find restaurant reviews, fun activities, news-worthy announcements, and whatever random things that I think about sharing.

How to reach out:

Do you have a hidden gem you are looking to share with the city? Feel free to reach out to me HERE.

In the meantime, feel free to enjoy the several articles that I have worked on.

Cheers, Richmonders!